Merry Christmas! From Miss H

Integrated Topic Drought

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We are learning about how the sun affects the earth.

Success Criteria:

  • Explain water moves in a cycle.
  • Explain how drought affects living things and our planet.


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'I am learning to create a self portrait.

I know I am successful when I have -

Drawn the different elements of my face in particular quarters of my face.
Blended paint to make my skin tone.
Blended my background.
Can talk about how to do the painting technique "blending"

Integrated Topic: Water Cycle

We are learning about how the sun affects the earth.

Success Criteria:

  • Explain water moves in a cycle.
  • Explain how drought affects living things and our planet.


Teacher Voice: Well done one knowing such big numbers Chloe - your next step is working on writing our numbers the right way.

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My Reading Pathway

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I am pointing to where I am on the room 17 reading pathway.

I am currently reading at yellow two.

I am working on the following:

  • I can work out words. I can look across the word to look for letters and letter clusters I know.
  • I can think about what would make sense and sound right.
  • I can find the speech marks and make those bits sound like talking
  • I can say what I think is happening and say what will happen next
  • I can read without finger pointing
Teacher Voice: "Well done Chloe I know you find reading tricky sometimes but I love that you try and use strategies such as your growing letter sounds, clues from the pictures and thinking about what would make sense to work out what the words say. Keep working hard and using different strategies and you will continue moving through our reading pathway. I'm very proud of you!"- Miss H


I am learning to pick books that are a good fit for me in the library.

Student voice: "I can get books from here. Books with pictures are good for me."

Year 1 Cross Country

Teacher Voice: "Well done Chloe for getting first place, you have should persistence by trying your best every time we practised for cross country. You often wanted to do more laps than required. This shows that hard works pays off! From Miss H"

PE: ball skills

We are learning to: 
send and receive objects accurately

Success Criteria:
·      Roll the ball along the ground towards a target
·      Throw an object underarm towards a target
·      Step forward with my opposite foot
·      Point towards the target

Topic: Habitat

We are learning to make a habitat for a compost worm. 

On our field trip we learned to importance of food, shelter, water and stopping sunlight from going into our compost worms habitats.

Danika and Chloe are turning over soil looking for earthworms.

Chloe and Katy are ripping up paper (portrait) to create a habitat for their worms.

Logan and Chloe are getting up close and personal with some tiger worms (compost worms).


I am learning to find words that end with 'ed'

I know the sound 'ed' makes at the end of a word. 

This can help me to self-correct when I am reading.


We are learning to write words that we find in our reading books.