
"Run, Jump, Throw"

We are learning to throw objects into targets accurately.

For distance we use an overarm action.

CARE Values

In the classroom, we follow our CARE values :


We are aware of other people

Active Thinking:

We use a noise level appropriate to the task


We sit quietly and listen


We follow classroom expectations


WALT use our Maths skills to problem solve.
SUCCESS CRITERIA We can work out different ways to solve a problem in Maths.

STUDENT VOICE " I know how to work with my buddy to work out Maths problems together".


Learning Intention
We are learning to understand the purpose of punctuation. 

Success Criteria
Find an example of punctuation
Pause at a comma
Emphasise words followed by an exclamation mark

Teacher Comment
 You read well by pausing at the commas and using a big voice before the exclamation mark. Well done Chloe.


Learning Intention
We are learning to write a lab report about skittles changing colour.

Success Criteria
 List the ingredients
 Write clear instructions
 Describe what you saw
 Discuss your findings with a buddy

Teacher Comment
Well done listing the ingredients and describing what you saw with your group.